Brookland Mosquite Gyrocopter

The Brookland Mosquite Gyrocopter The Mayor went along to the Daleside Arms on Sunday morning to see the Brookland Mosquite gyrocopter that Trevor Brooks has restored in memory of his […]

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The Brookland Mosquite Gyrocopter

The Mayor went along to the Daleside Arms on Sunday morning to see the Brookland Mosquite gyrocopter that Trevor Brooks has restored in memory of his late uncle Ernie Brooks .

The gyrocopter was on display outside of the pub and even though it was raining , lashing down , several people came along to see it and take photos.

After a celebration lunch in memory of Ernie and a specially baked cake to mark the occasion Trevor took the gyrocopter across to Teesside Airport to re-create the scene there on the 9 March 1969 when tragically Ernie was killed test flying one of his gyrocopters . Happier times this time and several members of the Brooks family were allowed to go ‘air-side’ for a family photograph to be taken with Trevor’s son James taking the place of Ernie for the photographs .

Afterwards the gyrocopter was taken up to the North East Land Sea and Air Museum at Usworth near Sunderland were it will go on display in their aircraft hangar .


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